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Statement from
Stephen Funk
Aug., 2003?
via email
My name is Stephen Funk. I am a Marine Corps reservist who spoke out
against the invasion of Iraq. Now I am being charged with desertion,
even though I returned to my unit after completing an application
for discharge as a conscientious objector. My military court date is
scheduled for August 11 here in New Orleans and I am facing two
years in the brig. Challenging the war from my position was
extremely difficult and I am very proud of my public stance, but now
I need your help.
I have always considered myself an activist and stand with the
oppressed peoples of the world.
I was born and raised in Seattle where I joined protests against
globalization at the WTO. I moved to Los Angeles for college where I
protested for socioeconomic justice at the Democratic National
Convention. I have always considered myself an activist and stand
with the oppressed peoples of the world. Since high school I have
worked with several campaigns for the disadvantaged, political
prisoners, and for peace and justice in our communities. I left Los
Angeles because I felt the school I attended was too politically
apathetic and moved to the Bay Area in hopes of attending UC
Berkeley. Despite all this, I was persuaded to join the Marines. Out
of school for the first time with depression from the lack of
direction and confusion in my life, a recruiter was able to sell me
on what I might learn in basic training. Leadership, teamwork,
discipline and most importantly a sense of direction and of
belonging are what convinced me. It was a decision I made when I was
19 and in a clouded state of mind.
The boot camp experience quickly snapped me back into reality, but
by that time it seemed too late to do anything. The purpose of
military training is to churn out non-thinking killing machines. All
humans have a natural aversion to killing, and being forced to shout
out "Kill, Kill, Kill" everyday is a major stress on the mind, body,
and soul. One must go through a transformation in order to
accommodate the unnatural way of life that the military teaches. I,
however, resisted and as a result my moral convictions against
violence grew stronger. A marksmanship coach told me that I had a
"bad attitude", that in a real situation I wouldn't score as well as
I did. Without thinking I replied that he was right, because killing
people is wrong. It was as if I had taken a deep breath after
holding it for two months, and there was no way I could ever go back
and "go along with the program".
I had figured out that war itself was immoral and could not be
justified. Yet everyone told me it was futile to try to get out. We
were trained to be subordinate in our thoughts, words, and actions.
It's hard to go up against all that, even when you know you are
right. In February my San Jose-based unit was called up to support
the attack on Iraq. I could no longer just obey.
For the next six weeks I kept in contact with my command, explaining
why I had not yet reported. I completed my conscientious objector
paperwork that I had started earlier, and I attended anti-war
protests with hundreds of thousands of others.
I spoke out so that others in the military would realize that they
also have a choice and a duty to resist
In the face of this unjust war based on deception by our leaders, I
could not remain silent. In my mind that would have been true
cowardice, having a chance to do some good, but playing it safe
instead. On April 1, after a press conference in front of my base, I
turned myself in. I spoke out so that others in the military would
realize that they also have a choice and a duty to resist immoral
and illegitimate orders. You don't have to be a cog in the machinery
of war. Everyone has the unconquerable power of free will. I wanted
those who may be thinking about enlisting to hear and learn from my
Under media attention, the military initially claimed my application
for discharge would be handled quickly and fairly, and that I would
likely receive only non-judicial punishment for my unauthorized
absence. Now that public scrutiny has died down the military says
that I deserve to be convicted. I feel I am being punished simply
for practicing my First Amendment rights, and they are seeking an
unfit punishment to dissuade others from becoming conscientious
On base I've been harassed a few times. Some people have told me I'm
a traitor, a coward, and unpatriotic. I have also had a few death
threats. However, I have also received tremendous positive feedback,
even from some of the enlisted people. As my commanding officer
explained to the press, "The Marine Corps understands there are
service members opposed to the war." I am certainly not alone.
I am not an advocate for gay inclusion in the military because I
personally do not support military action
In writing my application for discharge, I was completely honest
about who I am. Part of that meant acknowledging that I am gay. I
believe that homosexuals should be able to serve if they choose, and
that Don't Ask Don't Tell is an awful policy that only helps the
military perpetuate anti-gay sentiment among it's ranks. However, I
am not an advocate for gay inclusion in the military because I
personally do not support military action.
I have a great defender in San Francisco-based National Lawyers
Guild attorney Stephen Collier. He hasn't demanded a bunch of money.
However, I need to quickly raise enough for travel, lodging, and
research. This will cost $10,000 at least. My family and I cannot
afford that.
Thank you for your support and please forward this to others who may
be able to help.
Support Stephen Funk - Marine Reservist Charged With Desertion
[Stephen Funk's trial is re-scheduled for September 4. Please sign
the on-line petition: ]
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