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Prison LinksResources for Educators and ActivistsAlphabetical Directory:
Updating the global mobilization. MVFR: Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation Since 1976, this organization has worked for healing, not revenge. Their motto: "Not in Our Name." Now based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This links to a July 2, 1999 story on growth in the prison industry. National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP) Execution resistance, alerts & updates. National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution (NCPCR) Housed at George Mason University at Fairfax, VA, this forum was founded in 1982 for folk working in conflict resolution. No membership required. Prisoners of the Drug War and their families. Headquartered at Colville, WA. Annual day of protest against police brutality. OSEPP: Organization for Sensible and Effective Prison Policy Link at not found (Aug. 2001). PAO: Prisoners' Advocacy Organization Organized around California State Prison of Los Angeles County PARC: Prison Activist Resource Center Excellent role model for net activists and the primary source for this "Prison Links" page. Partnerships Against Violence (Pavnet): Virtual library of federally funded research on violence. Former Alabama police officer convicted of murder. American Indian in prison, in pain . . .Austin, Texas, group dedicated to the freedom of Lacresha Murray. They won! PFADP: People of Faith Against the Death Penalty A special project of the North Carolina Council of Churches. Attorney Arnold Erickson's masterful website at his new domain. Monthly newsletter edited by Washington State prisoner Paul Wright. Home of the "No More Prisons" movement & CD. Source of report on political effects of counting prison populations as residents of rural counties. Prison Reform Unity Project (PRUP) Organizing annual protests on Bastille Day at prisons and state capitols. Frequent updates with the latest statistics and analyses. Banned from MTV for 'Free Mumia' lyrics. Send an email to radman: get your radical edition of the daily news. Promoting structured meetings between victims, offenders, families, and friends. From Bethlehem, PA. Extensive treatment of restorative justice. Former home of PFI: Prison Fellowship International Restorative Justice Project: Fresno Pacific University Don't be deterred by the outdated conference material, but check out the theoretical papers by Ron Claassen and the bibliography by Howard Zehr. A Toronto-based agency for transformative justice. Serious policy work and reliable data, based in Washington, D.C. Link to report on effects of prison sentences on recidivism. TCASK: Tennessee Coalition to Abolish State Killing With an annual death penalty institute. Texas Campaign to Abolish the Death Penalty Vigilant affiliate of the National Campaign. Link to Sept. 2000 report on death penalty (Acrobat Reader). Link to report on death penalty @ 2000 (HTML and pdf). To stop the killing on death row. Beverly George's campaign to stop violence against prisoners. With background reports on the "settled" Ruiz lawsuit. Thinking About Prisons: Theory and Practice Conference at SUNY-Cortland, October 2001. A database of California life sentences. A browser's treasure of more than 300 sites. See annotated directory of links. UNION: United for No Injustice Oppression or Neglect An advocacy group from California. UNHCHR: UN High Commission for Human Rights Pursuing global standards for Texas and other trouble spots. VADP: Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Support for the death penalty drops to minority percentages when the alternative is 25 years to life. Video: Beyond the Bars/No Extended Embraces Documentary portraits of women with loved ones in prison by Julia O'Farrow. Voice of the Prisoner Prisoners appealing for contacts and attorneys. Dead link at clickshop, August 2001. A project of the Connecticut Prison Association. Host at unresponsive, August 2001. VOMA: Victim-Offender Mediation Association Including online access to VOMA Quarterly, VOMA Connections, and other theoretical materials. Administrative address in Minneapolis. VORP: Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program With a helpful library of papers, brought to you by Marty Price (J.D.) of Camas, Washington.
P.S. for tips and tools Phil Agre's tips for "Designing Effective Action Alerts for the Internet." David R. Woolley's list of Conference Hosting Services. Top Previous: (A-Mumia) gMoses |