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slowing it down
[nvusa digest 10/09/2001]
(1) The following article by Center for Defense Information analyst Nicholas Berry is not a pacifist document, but it does provide grounds for showing how the US military strategy is inappropriate as a military strategy, because combating terrorism requires a special set of considerations. Berry argues that it was wrong for Bush to obviate distinctions between terrorists and the states who harbor them: "A distinction must be made. Attacking Afghanistan, Iran and/or Iraq would have seriously adverse consequences."
(2) A comprehensive strategic analysis by CDI further supports arguments that even when considered from a military point of view, the opening days of the War in Afghanistan do not pass the test of a sophisticated (indeed postmodern) military strategy. CDI Senior Analyst Marcus Corbin argues, for instance, "that success in conflict depends most upon people, then ideas, and least upon hardware."
(3) Finally, a genuine pacifist Thich Nhat Hahn, who knows very well what it means to experience personal holocaust, counsels Americans to stop acting from fear, revenge, and hatred. Ethical action requires calm, understanding, and awareness. "The first thing we can do is to cool the flames of anger and hatred that are so strong in us. As mentioned before, it is crucial to look at the way we feed the hatred and violence within us and to take immediate steps to cut off the nourishment for our hatred and violence."
Whether from a strategic military point of view, or from a pacifist point of view, the current US actions in Afghanistan look like too much, too soon, too hot.
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