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NeoCons Up in Arms
Sept. 4, 2003
By Carl Bloice
Posted by permission of the author
It's been my experience that a lot of people have
trouble dealing with the idea that those most anxious
to wage war are usually tied directly to the weapons
manufacturers. Maybe it's because it just seems just
too venal to contemplate. Then, there is the tendency
of the major media to keep its head in the sand about
the matter -- which may or may not be tied to the ample
advertising revenue the aerospace and munitions makers
throw around. Still, there is a direct, easily
documented link between the 'neoconservatives' who have
pushed our country into quagmires in Afghanistan and
Iraq and the armaments industry.
Today the 'military-industrial complex,' about which
departing President Dwight Eisenhower warned, has a
bigger hand in shaping and directing U.S. foreign
policy than at any time in history. The operatives who
have taken charge at the Pentagon, usurping the role
once played by the State Department, and the think
tanks and institutes to which they are linked are
generously supported by the gun, missile and bomb
Take Richard Perle. There had been some speculation
that 'The Prince of Darkness' was laying low. That was
after he was charged with double-dipping by serving on
a government body that deals with military procurement
while on the payroll of defense contractors and openly
advising businesses on how to profit from the war in
Iraq. In June Newsweek said he and some other key
neoconservatives had "withdrawn from public view."
No such luck. "Gas Stations in the Sky" was the
headline for a Wall Street Journal opinion piece he co-
authored with arms industry executive Thomas Donnelly.
It argued forcefully for the Air Force proposal to
lease 100 Boeing 767 tanker aircraft to refuel war
planes in flight and for building more long range
Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), chair of the Senate
Commerce and Transportation Committee, has accused
Boeing of refusing to reveal its pricing policy or to
disclose its communications with the Defense
Department. He calls the lease arrangement a waste of
money, a sweetheart deal for Boeing and "one of the
most unsavory, inside, military-industrial complex
The Congressional Budget Office says the price of
leasing the planes is $5.7 billion over what it would
cost of buy them outright.
Despite McCain"s opposition, the leasing deal appears
headed toward Congressional approval. Incidentally,
Linda Daschle, the wife of Senate Minority leader Tom
Daschle is a paid lobbyist for Boeing and another
aircraft manufacturer, Lockheed Martin Corporation.
The Journal editors chose to identify Perle and
Donnelly only as resident fellows at the American
Enterprise Institute (AEI). Actually, Perle is one of
the chief architects of the Bush Administration"s
foreign policy, a close associate of Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld and his assistant Paul Wolfowitz.
Donnelly was deputy executive director at the Project
for the New American Century (PNAC) from 1999 until
2002 when he moved on to become director of strategic
communications and initiatives at Lockheed Martin.
PNAC was born in 1997. It soon attracted as sponsors
such conservative luminaries as Rumsfeld; soon-to-be
Vice President Dick Cheney; former Vice-President Dan
Quayle; now Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz;
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Affairs Peter W. Rodman; Elliott Abrams, the
Near East and North African affairs director at the
National Security Council; Zalmay Khalilzad, the
current White House liaison to the Iraqi opposition; I.
Lewis Libby, now Cheney's chief of staff; and Florida
Gov. Jeb Bush, the president's brother.
"American foreign and defense policy is adrift," a PNAC
statement read. "We aim to change this. We aim to make
the case and rally support for American global
In September 2000, PNAC issued a strategic blueprint
for the U.S. The plan called for building the 'Star
Wars' missile defense system which, among other things,
would "provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection
around the world." It proposed increasing military
spending by $15 billion to $20 billion, building a new
generation of nuclear weapons, permanent stationing of
troops abroad for "multiple constabulary missions " --
all aimed at ensuring a "unipolar 21st century."
One would think that Perle, having already caused
considerable embarrassment for the Administration with
his antics at the Defense Policy Board would steer
clear of coming on like a flack for the armaments
industry. However, caution and tact are not his strong
suits. In April, he proclaimed for the readers of The
Guardian (UK), "Thank God for the death of the UN."
Before the war, he publicly assured the White House and
the nation that "The Iraqis will welcome the liberators
with open arms." Donnelly is also out front. "The real
question now is how the United States can leverage its
victory in Iraq to uphold, expand, and institutionalize
the Pax Americana," he wrote in a recent issue of the
AEI"s journal National Security Outlook.
As it has for decades, the armaments industry is today
playing a heavy hand in the run-up to the 2004
Presidential Election.
The Military Industrial Complex is not the Republican
Party. In fact, it has a strong base of support inside
the Democratic Party, expressed through its neocons.
These neoconservatives, only some of whom are operating
out of the Bush Administration, are now much older than
they were in the 1960s when many of them emerged within
the 'Scoop Jackson' wing of the party. That hawkish
faction was named for late Washington Senator Henry
Jackson known as "the senator from Boeing."
On September 3, the Financial Times reported that one
of the documents released the previous day revealed
that "a letter from Norman Dicks, a Democratic
congressmen from Washington - the state where Boeing
will build the aircraft - to President George W. Bush
urged the White House to back the deal in order to
increase Boeing's business in the wake of the September
11 2001 attacks."
The neocon linage can be traced over the years through
the rosters of bipartisan groups like the Committee on
the Present Danger, which sought to spur a military
buildup during the Cold War, to the Committee for the
Liberation of Iraq, which laid the groundwork for the
present disastrous foreign policy course. The
membership of this latter group includes former
secretary of State George Schultz and Sen. Joseph
Lieberman. Along the way came the founding of the
Vulcans, an eight-member group that includes Perle and
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. One of
Rice"s deputies is Stephen Hadley who comes from a law
firm that represented Lockheed Martin and is a big fan
of deploying new, smaller nuclear weapons in
conventional warfare.
The neoconservatives among the Democrats, which
includes the party chair, Donna Brazille, also draw
support from supporters of the expansionist Israeli
right wing and groups like the 'centrist' Democratic
Leadership Council. The think tanks and institutes on
the Democratic neoconservative wing also benefit
mightily from the largess of the armaments industry.
It"s not just foreign policy that has produced the
neoconservative phenomenon. Where the neocoms have
figured heavily in the Democratic Party, they have
opposed affirmative action, supported so-called welfare
reform and promoted 'free trade' policies. This also
explains their opposition to the more liberal wing of
the party and their intent to undermine anyone who
would question things like the North Atlantic Free
Trade Area or the transference of U.S. manufacturing to
low wage area abroad. Rev. Jesse Jackson rightly called
them: "Democrats for the Leisure Class."
The first DLC president was Bill Clinton and his recent
outrageous advice that the war in Iraq be avoided as a
topic in the presidential election campaign was quite
in line with the current 'centrist' line. It coincided
with the DLC"s startling ---but completely true-to-
form---roundhouse attack on Democratic front runner
Howard Dean and labor union-backed Richard Gebhardt.
Bush Administration policies are encountering
increasing skepticism from traditional conservative
Republicans, and back-room-dealing Vice President Dick
Chaney and Perle, Wolfowitz and Co. are beginning to
look more and more like political liabilities. The
Establishment base of the Bush Administration was never
very broad and increasingly narrowing down to the arms
industry, portions of the energy industry and the
diehard religious right.
At the same time, it is clear that any Democrat
supporting the military adventures the neocoms have
initiated under the Republicans is unlikely to receive
the Party"s nomination. However, the last thing the
warmakers want to see it a full fledged debate and
popular referendum on those policies. Thus, the attacks
on the leading candidates for the Democratic nomination
and the charge that the "activist" wing of the
Democratic Party is out of touch with the country.
It's not just the neoconservatives who are becoming
unnerved at the way things are going; the military
industrial complex is also nervous. There"s a direct
link between the two and the last thing they want is
for the public to start connecting the dots.
Carl Bloice is a writer in San Francisco, works for a
healthcare union and is a member of the National
Coordinating Committee of the Committees of
Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
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