Introduction to
Spring 2002
Marist College
Dr. Greg Moses
Course Description: In this course we will explore meaning and value in forms of mythopoetical, religious, philosophical, political, and scientific expression. Then we will turn to reflections upon peace and justice.
Course Objectives: As a result of these studies, students should enhance their own ability to assess meaning and value in various forms of expression, with special application to formulations about contemporary issues of peace and justice.
Assessment: Frequent writing assignments will facilitate assessment of student progress.
Praxis/Public Citizenship: This course includes a requirement of 12 hours of community service (2 hours per week for 6 weeks) as part of the course material to be covered.
Required Texts (in order of use):
- Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds. Penguin, 1984.
Al-Ghazali. Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God. Islamic Texts, 1992.
- Judith Butler. Excitable Speech. Routledge, 1997.
- Johan Galtung & Daisaku Ikeda. Choose Peace. Pluto, 1995.
- Frantz Fanon. The Wretched of the Earth. Grove Press, 1986.
Course Requirements: The final grade will be based upon the following:
- 20 % Participation & portfolio of preparation
- 15 % Report on Meaning & Value in Mythopoetic Form (4 pages)
- 15 % Report on Meaning & Value in Religious Form (4 pages)
- 15 % Report on Meaning & Value in Political Form (4 pages)
- 35 % Final Report on Public Citizenship (9 pages)
Attendance Policy: Documentation will be accepted within two weeks of an excused absence. More than two undocumented absences will result in deduction of a letter grade from the final average. More than three undocumented absences, two letter grades. More than four undocumented absences, and the instructor reserves the right to issue a failing grade.
Late Grades: Preparations and assignments should arrive in class with the student. Any preparations or assignments not accompanied by students to class will be marked "late" or "absent" with a grade penalty.
Weather: If the College announces official closing for weather, we will cancel class accordingly. Otherwise, class will be held.
Schedule of inquiry:
Jan. 22--Introduction
Jan. 25--Conference of the Birds I
Oral Reading Roundtable
Form groups
Divide sections for next time
Jan. 29--Conference of the Birds II
Prepare: One page plot summary of your section
Forum: Introducing questions for next time: (a) where do we find meaning & value in this poem? (b) what can we say in general about the meaning & value of mythopoetic expression?
Feb. 1--Discussion on Meaning & Value in Mythopoetic Forms of Expression
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) where do you find meaning & value in this poem? (b) what would you say in general about the meaning & value of mythopoetic expression for your life?
Forum: Other examples of forms of mythopoetic expression in our lives and how they help us explore meaning & value.
Feb. 5--Idea Workshop
Prepare: Outline for Report on Meaning & Value in Mythopoetic Forms of Expression: two-page discussion on where you find meaning & value in "Conference of the Birds" and two pages drawing on other examples of MFE in your life in order to say something general about the value of MFE.
Feb. 8--Paper Workshop
Prepare: Four-page paper. Note policy on late grades above. Penalty for late or absent.
Also Bring: Al Ghazali
Feb. 12--Al-Ghazali I
Prepare: Two paragraphs on Al-Ghazali: (a) summarizing the overall argument (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Feb. 15--Al-Ghazali II
Prepare: Two paragraphs on Al-Ghazali: (a) summarizing the overall argument (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Feb. 19--Al-Ghazali III
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) how you find meaning & value in Al-Ghazali (b) how you find meaning & value in forms of religious expression in your own life.
Feb. 22--Other Exhibits of Religious Expression
Please bring: An interesting example of religious expression in your own experience. We will discuss our exhibits and how we find meaning & value in them.
Feb. 26--Idea Workshop
Prepare: Outline for Report on Meaning & Value in Religious Forms of Expression: two-page discussion on where you find meaning & value in Al-Ghazali and two pages drawing on other examples of RFE in your life in order to say something general about the value of RFE.
Mar. 1--Paper Workshop
Prepare: Four-page paper. Note policy on late grades above. Penalty for late or absent.
Also Bring: Butler's "Excitable Speech"
Mar. 5--Butler I
Prepare: Two paragraphs on Butler: (a) summarizing the overall argument (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Mar. 8--Butler II
Prepare: Two paragraphs on Butler: (a) summarizing the overall argument (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Mar. 12--Butler III
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) how you find meaning & value in Butler (b) how you find meaning & value in forms of political expression in your own life.
Mar. 15--Other Exhibits of Political Expression
Please bring: An interesting example of political expression in your own experience. We will discuss our exhibits and how we find meaning & value in them.
Mar. 19--Idea Workshop
Prepare: Outline for Report on Meaning & Value in Political Forms of Expression: two-page discussion on where you find meaning & value in Butler and two pages drawing on other examples of PFE in your life in order to say something general about the value of PFE.
Mar. 22--Paper Workshop
Prepare: Four-page paper. Note policy on late grades above. Penalty for late or absent.
Also Bring: "Choose Peace"
Apr. 2--"Choose Peace" I
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the passage and (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Apr. 5--"Choose Peace" II
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the passage and (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Apr. 9--"Choose Peace" III
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the passage and (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Apr. 12--"Choose Peace" IV & Exhibits
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing your overall assessment of the text and (b) introducing an example of an analysis from internet or library sources that would help develop your assessment.
Also Bring: Fanon
Apr. 16--Fanon I
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the passage and (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Apr. 19--Fanon II
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the passage and (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Apr. 23--Fanon III
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the passage and (b) commenting on a selected quotation from the text.
Apr. 25--Fanon IV & Exhibits
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing your overall assessment of the text and (b) introducing an example of an analysis from internet or library sources that would help develop your assessment.
Apr. 30--Praxis/Public Citizenship
Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) conveying your experience in community service and (b) exploring connections between your community service experience and issues raised in the materials of the past month.
May 3--Outlining the Final Paper
Prepare: Outline of a final 8-page paper on public citizenship, including two pages of narrative about your community service experience, two pages exploring relationships between "Choose Peace" and public citizenship, two pages exploring relationships between Fanon and public citizenship, and two pages exploring your conclusions about the challenge of public citizenship from your own perspective.
Final--Workshop on Public Citizenship
Portfolio should include preparations, graded papers, and final paper. Attendance and late penalties apply.
Contact Information
Fontaine 322
Home: 473-4737
Ofc. Hrs.:
Tues: 1-2; 3:30-5:00
Wed: 1-2; 3:30-5:00
Thu: 1-5