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SyllabusEthicsSpring 2002Marist CollegeDr. Greg MosesCourse Description: In this course we will explore questions of morality in relations between groups, relations of caring, and in the role of human rights applied to contemporary questions of policy. Course Objectives: As a result of these studies, students should enhance their own ability to assess the moral dimension in relationships between groups, relations of caring, and in questions of human rights. Assessment: Frequent writing assignments will facilitate assessment of student progress. Praxis/Public Citizenship: This course includes a requirement of 12 hours of community service (2 hours per week for 6 weeks) as part of the course material to be covered. Required Texts (in order of use):
Course Requirements: The final grade will be based upon the following,
Attendance Policy: Documentation will be accepted within two weeks of an excused absence. More than two undocumented absences will result in deduction of a letter grade from the final average. More than three undocumented absences, two letter grades. More than four undocumented absences, and the instructor reserves the right to issue a failing grade. Late Grades: Preparations and assignments should arrive in class with the student. Any preparations or assignments not accompanied by students to class will be marked "late" or "absent" with a grade penalty. Weather: If the College announces official closing for weather, we will cancel class accordingly. Otherwise, class will be held. Jan. 23--Introduction Jan. 25--Vessels of Evil I Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Jan. 30--Vessels of Evil II Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Feb. 1-- Vessels of Evil III Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Feb. 6--Colonial Fantasies I Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Feb. 8--Colonial Fantasies II Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Feb. 13--Colonial Fantasies III Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Feb. 15--Reviewing Thomas & Yegenoglu Prepare: Three paragraphs (a) summarizing helpful findings from Thomas, (b) helpful findings from Yegenoglu, and (c) selecting an example of collective relationships that you think would be interesting to explore. Feb. 20--Library Trip To collect materials on a collective relationship that you would like to explore. Feb. 22--Sharing Results Prepare: Three paragraphs (a) summarizing some interesting results from your research (b) exploring the meaning & value of Thomas as the text might be applied to your research (c) exploring Yegenoglu, etc. Feb. 27--Library Trip To review materials on your chosen collective relationship. Mar. 1--Outline Workshop Prepare: Outline for the 6-page paper on moral issues in collective relationships, with one page introducing the issue that is important to you, three pages developing approaches suggested by Thomas & Yegenoglu, and two pages developing your own approach. Mar. 6--Paper Due Penalties for late & absent apply. Also bring: Living Morally Mar. 8--Living Morally I Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Mar. 13--Living Morally II Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Mar. 15--Living Morally III Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Mar. 20--Caring I Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Mar. 22--Caring II Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Apr. 3--Caring III Prepare: Two paragraphs (a) summarizing the main outline of an argument from the text (b) commenting on some aspect of the argument, either in terms of a claim or an inference. Apr. 5--Reviewing Bowden & Thomas Prepare: Three paragraphs (a) summarizing helpful findings from Thomas, (b) helpful findings from Bowden, and (c) selecting an issue in caring relationships that you think would be interesting to explore. Apr. 10--Library Visit To collect materials relevant to the issue in caring relationships that you would like to explore. Apr. 12--Sharing Ideas Prepare: Three paragraphs: (a) summarizing your selected issue in caring relationships (b) exploring the meaning & value of Thomas as applied to the issue (c) exploring the meaning & value of Bowden, etc. Apr. 17--Outline Workshop Prepare: Outline of next paper, with one page introducing your issue, three pages developing approaches from Thomas & Bowden, and two pages developing your own approach. Apr. 19--Paper Due Penalties for late & absent apply. Also Bring: Sexual Orientation & Human Rights Apr. 24--Sexual Orientation I Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the first essay and (b) commenting on a selected claim or inference. Apr. 26--Sexual Orientation II Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) summarizing the overall argument of the second essay and (b) commenting on a selected claim or inference. May 1--Praxis/Public Citizenship Prepare: Two paragraphs: (a) conveying your experience in community service and (b) exploring connections between your community service experience and an issue in human rights. May 3--Outlining the Final Paper Prepare: Outline of a final 8-page paper on public citizenship, including two pages of narrative about your community service experience, one page introducing an issue of human rights that arises from your community service, three pages exploring a human rights framework as presented in the recent text (to be supplemented by one additional source), and two pages developing your own conclusions about the issue of your choice. Final--Workshop on Human Rights & Public Citizenship Portfolio should include preparations, graded papers, and final paper. Attendance and late penalties apply. Contact Information
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