Dr. Stanley O. Gaines, Jr., Archive:
Date: 7/24/00
Type: Letter
To: Pomona College President
From: Dr. Gaines
Re: Reiterating Request for Access to Personnel File
Att: Updated CV
July 24, 2000
Dr. Peter Stanley
Pomona College
FAX 909-621-8499
Dear Peter:
As you know, in order to renominate me for tenure and promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, you will need to take two documents back to the Cabinet: (1) My updated curriculum vita, or CV; and (2) a corrected version of the 1998-99 Faculty Personnel Committee. Included with the present letter is my updated CV. Now, I need to know when I cam come in this week (no later than Friday, July 28) to inspect and copy the FPC letter, with a witness of my choosing on hand. Again, I reserve the right to correct any inaccuracies or misrepresentations in the negative FPC letter. Please contact me (1325 N. College Ave., #E-131, Claremont, CA 91711; ph. 909-624-1284) as soon as you receive this letter and CV.
Stan Gaines
cc: Inland Valley News
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Inland Valley Our Times
Black Issues in Higher Education
Chronicle of Higher Education
Curriculum Vita
Stanley O. Gaines, Jr.
(updated 7/16/2000)
Personal Information
Current Position: Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Social Work
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus
Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Office Phone: (International Access Code 011) 92-71661-9
Web Site:
B. S. with Honors, University of Texas at Arlington, August 1985
Major: Psychology
Minor: Biology
Honors Thesis Advisor: Dr. William Ickes
Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, May 1991
Major Work: Social psychology and close relationships
Supporting Work: Statistics
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Ted L. Huston
Postgraduate Professional Experience
Assistant Professor:
College of St. Catherine (St. Mary's Campus), Summer 1991
Postdoctoral Scholar-in-Residence:
Franklin and Marshall College, 1991-92
Carolina Minority Postdoctoral Scholar:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992-93
Assistant Professor:
Department of Psychology, Pomona College; and Intercollegiate Department of Black Studies, Claremont Colleges, 1992-2000
Adjunct Assistant Professor:
Claremont Graduate University, 1993-2000
Visiting Scholar:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996-97
Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Fall 2000
Selected Honors and Awards
University of Texas Graduate Opportunity Fellow, 1985-86
National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellow, 1986-89
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Inductee, 1987-88
University of Texas Graduate Research Grant Recipient, 1988-89
Hewlett-Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellow in Psychology, 1989-90
University of Texas Professional Development Grant Awardee, 1990-91
Franklin and Marshall College Faculty Research Grant Awardee, 1991-92
Pomona College Faculty Research Grant Awardee, 1993-94, 1994-95
Fletcher Jones Grant awardee (project co-director: Dr. Cherlyn Granrose), 1994-95
Wolfe Course Development Funds Awardee, Pitzer College, 1994-95
Sigma Xi Inductee, 1994-95
Wig Course Development Funds Awardee, Pomona College, 1994-95, 1997-98
Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awardee, 1996-97
Grant-in-Aid Awardee, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1996-97
American Association of University Professors, Interim President, Pomona College Chapter, Spring 1996
Wayne F. Placek Investigator Development Awardee, 1998-99
Fulbright Grant Awardee, Fall 2000
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1992). Interpersonal traits, gender-role compliance, and
interpersonal resource exchange among romantic and nonromantic male-female relationships. (Doctoral dissertation , University of Texas at Austin, 1991). Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 3944-B.
Johnson, M. P., Huston, T. L., Gaines, S. O., Jr., & Levinger, G. (1992). Patterns of married life among young couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 9, 343-364.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1993). Sexual harassment in American academia. Proteus, 10, 29-31.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Roberts, D. C., & Baumann, D. J. (1993). When all the world's a stage: The impact of events on news coverage of South Africa, 1979-1985. Explorations in Ethnic Studies, 16, 63-92.
Penn, M. L., Gaines, S. O., Jr., & Phillips, L (1993). On the desirability of own group preference. Journal of Black Psychology, 19, 303-321.
Phillips, L., Penn, M. L., & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1993). A hermeneutic rejoinder to ourselves and our critics. Journal of Black Psychology, 19, 350-357.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1994). Exchange of respect-denying behavior among male-female friendships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 11, 5-24.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1994). Generic, stereotypic, and collectivistic models of
interpersonal resource exchange among African American couples. Journal of Black Psychology, 20, 291-301.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1994). On the relevance of Allport's The Nature of Prejudice to interethnic relations in the 1990s. Psych Discourse, 25, 10-14.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Reed, E. S. (1994). Two social psychologies of prejudice:
Gordon W. Allport, W. E. B. Du Bois, and the legacy of Booker T. Washington. Journal of Black Psychology, 20, 8-28.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995). Classifying dating couples: Gender as reflected in traits, roles, and resulting behavior. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 16, 75-94.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995). Dangerous Curve, collisions on the information
superhighway: Internet discourse on The Bell Curve. Psych Discourse, 26, 9-13.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995). O. J. Simpson, Mark Fuhrman, and the moral "low
ground" of ethnic/race relations in the United States. Black Scholar, 25, 46-47.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995). Relationships between members of cultural minorities. In J. T. Wood and S. Duck (Eds.), Under-studied relationships: Off the beaten track (pp. 51-88). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995). Reviews of Meaningful Relationships and Dynamics of Relationships. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 57, 834-835.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Reed, E. S. (1995). Prejudice: From Allport to Du Bois.
American Psychologist, 50, 96-103.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1996). Impact of interpersonal traits and gender-role compliance on interpersonal resource exchange among dating and engaged/
married couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 13, 241-261.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1996). Perspectives of Du Bois and Fanon on the psychology of oppression. In L. R. Gordon, R. T. White, and T. D. Sharpley-Whiting (Eds.), Fanon: A critical reader (pp. 24-33). Oxford: Blackwell.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1996). The politics of friendship: Literary and psychological perspectives on gender, ethnicity, and relationship dynamics. 20th Century Afro Review, 2, 53-170.
Cox, C. E. , Wexler, M. O., Rusbult, C. E., & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1997). Prescriptive support and commitment processes in close relationships. Social Psychology Quarterly, 60, 79-90.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1997). Communalism and the reciprocity of affection and respect among interethnic married couples. Journal of Black Studies, 27, 352-364.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1997). Romanticism and interpersonal resource exchange in stigmatized personal relationships. ISSPR Bulletin, 14, 4-6.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. with Buriel, R., Liu, J. H., & Rios, D. I. (1997). Culture, ethnicity, and personal relationship processes. New York: Routledge.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Ickes, W. (1997). Perspectives on interracial relationships. In S. Duck (Ed.), Handbook of personal relationships, 2nd ed. (pp. 197-220). Sussex: Wiley.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Marelich, W. D., Bledsoe, K. L., Steers, W. N., Henderson, M. C., Granrose, C. S., Barajas, L., Hicks, D., Lyde, M., Takahashi, Y., Yum, N., Rios, D. I.,
Garcia, B. F., Farris, K., & Page, M. S. (1997). Links between race/ethnicity and cultural values as mediated by racial/ethnic identity and moderated by gender. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 1460-1476.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Panter, A. T., Lyde, M. C., Steers, W. N., Rusbult, C. E., Cox,
C. L., & Wexler, M. O. (1997). Evaluating the circumplexity of interpersonal traits and the manifestation of interpersonal traits in interpersonal trust. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 610-623.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Reis, H. T., Summers, S., Rusbult, C. E., Cox, C. L., Wexler,
M. O., Marelich, W. D. & Kurland, G. J. (1997). Impact of attachment style on reactions to accommodative dilemmas in close relationships. Personal Relationships, 4, 93-113.
Reed, E. S. & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1997). Not everyone is "different-from-me":
Toward an historico-cultural account of prejudice. Journal of Black Psychology, 23, 245-274.
Rios, D. I. & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1997). Impact of gender and ethnic subgroup membership on Mexican Americans' use of mass media for cultural maintenance. Howard Journal of Communication, 8, 197-216.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., with Bledsoe, K. L., Farris, K. R., Henderson, M. C., Kurland, G. J, Lara, J. K., Marelich, W. D., Page, M. S., Palucki, L. J., Steers, W. Neil, & West, A. M. (1998). Communication of emotions in friendships. In P. A. Andersen and L. K. Guerrero (Eds.), Handbook of communication and emotion: Research, theory, applications, and contexts (pp. 507-531). San Diego: Academic Press.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Chalfin, J., Kim, M., & Taing, P. (1998). Communicating
prejudice in personal relationships. In M. L. Hecht (Ed.), Communicating prejudice (pp. 163-186). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Jones-Mitchell, J. (1998). Comparable mates: What shortage of good Black men? In N. Ba'Nikongo (Ed.), Leading essays in African American studies (pp. 503-512). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
Rios, D. I. & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1998). Latino media use for cultural maintenance. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 75, 746-761.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Granrose, C. S., Rios, D. I., Garcia, B. F., Page, M. S., Farris,
K. R., & Bledsoe, K. L. (1999). Patterns of attachment and responses to accommodative dilemmas among interethnic/interracial couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 16, 277-287.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Rios, D. I., Granrose, C. S., Bledsoe, K. L., Farris, K. R., Page Youn, M. S., & Garcia, B. F. (1999). Romanticism and interpersonal resource exchange among African American/Anglo and other interracial couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 16, 277-287.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Rugg, M. A., Zemore, S. E., Armm, J. L., Yum, N., Law, A.,
Underhill, J. M., & Feldman, K. (1999). Gender-related personality characteristics, gender-role compliance, and interpersonal resource exchange among brother-sister relationships. Personal Relationships, 6, 187-198.
Agnew, C. R., Thompson, V. D., & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (2000). Incorporating
proximal and distal influences on prejudice: Testing a general model across outgroups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 403-418.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (2000). Exposing discrimination in academia: My decision to launch a hunger strike against Pomona College. Psych Discourse, 31, 9.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Liu, J. H. (2000). Multicultural/multiracial relationships. In C. Hendrick and S. S. Hendrick (Eds.), Close relationships: A sourcebook (pp. 97-108). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (in press). Coping with prejudice: Romantic partners as sources of socioemotional support for stigmatized individuals. Journal of Social Issues.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (in press). Refuting hereditarian claims about race and IQ:
W. E. B. Du Bois, academic racism, and The Bell Curve. In L. R. Gordon and R. T. White (Eds.), Black texts and Black textuality: Constructing and de-constructing African American Blackness. New York: Blackwell.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (in press). Sexuality and race. In A. Strickland and R. E. Weems, Jr. (Eds.), Historiographical and bibliographic guide to the African American experience. New York: Greenwood Press.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (in press). Where is the "genetics" in the "biogenetic" perspective on African psychology? A commentary on Borishade's paradigm. Psych Discourse.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Brennan, K. A. (in press). Interracial couples. In J. H. Harvey and A. E. Wentzel (Eds.), Close romantic relationships: Maintenance and enhancement. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., & Garcia-Lopez, S. D. (in press). Brown-Black personal relationships. In D. I. Rios and A. N. Mohamed (Eds.), Brown and Black communication: Latino and African American conflict and convergence in mass media. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., & Leaver, J. (in press). Interracial relationships. In R. Goodwin and D. Cramer (Eds.), Inappropriate relationships. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Work, C., Johnson, H., Page Youn, M. S., & Lai, K. (in press). Impact of attachment style and self-monitoring on individuals' responses to accommodative dilemmas across relationship types. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Conference/Symposium Presentations
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1991, May). Impact of gender-role demands on exchange of love and status in dating relationships. Paper presented at the International Network Conference on Personal Relationships, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1991, October). Toward a typology of dating relationships:
Gender-related traits and gender-role compliance as predictors of interpersonal resource exchange. Paper presented at Hardin-Simmons University symposium, The Role of Women: The Past and the Road Ahead, Abilene, TX.
Penn, M. L., Phillips, L. A., & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1992, March). Ethnic preference research: A reconceptualization. Paper presented at the Twentieth Annual Conference of the National Association for Ethnic Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1992, July). Between-gender friendships and reciprocity in respect-denying behavior. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Personal Relationships, University of Maine, Orono, ME.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Reed, E. S. (1992, August). W. E. B. Du Bois and the
underground psychology of prejudice. Paper presented at 24th annual convention of the Association of Black Psychologists, Denver, CO.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1993, November). Allport and beyond: Teaching a course on interethnic relations in the 1990s. Paper presented at the 1993 conference of the Southeastern Society for Social Psychology, University of Tennessee, Gatlinburg, TN.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1993, February). Collectivism and interpersonal resource exchange among African American couples. Paper presented at the 1993 conference of the National Association for African American Studies, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1993, March). Familism and interpersonal resource exchange among Latinas and Latinos. Paper presented at the 1993 conference of the National Association for Ethnic Studies, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1993, June). Interpersonal resource exchange among male-female friendships, casual dating relationships, serious/engaged dating relationships, and marital relationships. Paper presented at the 4th Conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1994, February). Debunking the pseudogenetic claims of race-based effects in behavior genetics. Paper presented at the 1994 conference of the National Association for African-American Studies, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1994, March). "Feminism" and interpersonal resource exchange among interethnic couples. Paper presented at the 1994 conference of the National Association for Ethnic Studies, Kansas City, MI.
Rios, D. I. & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1994, April). Impact of gender and ethnic subgroup membership on Mexican Americans' purposeful use of media for cultural maintenance: La Chicana as cultural mainstay. Paper presented at the University of Arizona Symposium, Console-ing passions: TV, video, and feminism, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Reis, H. T., Summers, S., Rusbult, C. E., Wexler, M. O., & Cox,
C. L. (1994, July). Impact of attachment style, activity, and constructiveness on individuals' responses to dissatisfaction in male-female close relationships. Paper presented at the 1994 conference of the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995, February). The politics of friendship: Gender, ethnicity, and friends' affectionate and respectful behavior. Paper presented at the 1995 conference of the National Association of African American Studies, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995, March). Conceptualizing African American relationship processes: Collectivism as reflected in socioemotional behavior. Paper presented at the conference, "The Future of the African American Family: Youth and Adolescents," convened by the Intercollegiate Department of Black Studies, The Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA.
Marelich, W. D. & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1995, April). A confirmatory investigation of the transactional model of jealousy. Paper presented at the 1995 conference of the Western Psychological Association.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Reis, H. T., Summers, S., Bledsoe, K., & Yum, N. (1995, June). Negative and positive dimensions of instrumentality and expressivity as predictors of responses to partners' dissatisfaction. Paper presented at the 1995 Conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Rusbult, C. E., Cox, C. L., & Wexler, M. O. (1995, June). Self-monitoring as a moderator of the link between interpersonal traits and responses to partners' dissatisfaction. Paper presented at the 1995 Conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Rios, D. I., Granrose, C. C., Bledsoe, K., Farris, K., Page, M. S.,
& Garcia, B. F. (1996, January). Romanticism and resource exchange among interethnic/interracial couples. Paper presented at the 1996 meeting of the Social Psychologists in Texas, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.
Marelich, W. D., Lara, J. K., & Gaines, S. O., Jr. (1996, April). Jealousy as a
destructive response to romantic relationship threat. Paper presented at the 1996 meeting of the Western Psychological Association.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Rugg, M. A., Zemore, S. E., Armm, J. L., Yum, N., Law, A.,
Underhill, J. M., & Feldman, K. (1996, August). Positive instrumentality, positive
expressivity, and gender-role compliance as predictors of interpersonal resource exchange among brother-sister pairs. Paper presented at the 1996 conference of the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, Banff, Canada.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. with Bledsoe, K. L., Farris, K. R., Henderson, M. C., Kurland,
G. J., Lara, J. K., Marelich, W. D., Page, M. S., Palucki, L. J., Steers, W. Neil, & West,
M. (1997, February). Emotions in friendships. Paper presented at the 1997 conference of the Western States Communication Association, Monterey, CA.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Granrose, C. S., Rios, D. I., Garcia, B. F., Page, M. S., Farris,
K. R., & Bledsoe, K. L. (1997, June). Patterns of attachment and responses to partners' dissatisfaction among interethnic/interracial couples. Paper presented at the 1997 conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, OH.
Gaines, S. O., Jr. & Henderson, M C. (1998, May). Patterns of interpersonal resource exchange among gay male and lesbian couples. Paper presented at the 1998 conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., Gilstrap, S., Kim, M., Yi, J., Rusbult, C. E., Holcomb, D., Gaertner, L., & Lee, J. (1999, June). Cultural value orientations: Measurement and manifestation in responses to accommodative dilemmas. Paper presented at the 1999 joint conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships and the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., & Henderson, M. C. (1999, August). Impact of attachment style and constructiveness on responses to accommodative dilemmas among gay men and lesbians. Paper presented at the 1999 conference of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., & Henderson, M. C. (2000, June). Societal disapproval, intrinsic and extrinsic support, and conflict resolution as themes in same-sex romantic relationships. Paper presented at the 2000 joint conference of the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships and the International Network on Personal Relationships, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Gaines, S. O., Jr., & Leaver, J. (2000, June). Interracial relationships. Paper presented at the 2000 joint conference of the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships and the International Network on Personal Relationships, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Professional Service
Journal Reviewer:
Ethnic Studies Review, 1998-present
Explorations in Ethnic Studies, 1994-present
Family Relations, 1998-present
Journal of Adolescence, 1996-present
Journal of Applied Psychology, 1997-present
Journal of Black Psychology, 1994-present
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1996-present
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1995-present
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1993-present
Journal of Research in Personality, 1994-present
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1991-present
Personal Relationships, 1994-present
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1998-present
Sex Roles, 1995-present
Textbook Reviewer:
Brown & Benchmark, 1995
Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1998
Editorial Advisory Board Member:
Collegiate Press, 1994
Grant Reviewer:
National Science Foundation Grant Proposals, 1997-1998
Program Reviewer:
Division 8 Program for 1996 American Psychological Association Convention
International Network on Personal Relationships:
Member, Outreach Committee, 1992-93
Member, Task Force on Possible Biases in the Field, 1992-93
Organizer, Symposium on Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect in Heterosexual Close Relationships, June 1995 Conference, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Member, Publications Committee, 1996-97
Panelist, Session on Interdisciplinary Methods in Personal Relationship Research, June 1996 Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Panelist, Session on Everyday Relating: Studying Ordinary Processes in Personal Relationships, June 1997 Conference, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, OH
Organizer, Session on Interethnic/Interracial Relationships: Theoretical and Empirical Issues, June 1997 Conference, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, OH
Organizer, Session on Relationship Processes among Gay Males, Lesbians, and Bisexuals: Conceptual and Empirical Advances, May 1998 Conference, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Panelist, Session on Everyday Relating: Research Methods, May 1998 Conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Member, Elections Committee, 1998-99
International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships:
Organizer, Symposium on Attachment Styles and Adult Close Relationships,
July 1994 Conference, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Member, Recruitment Committee, 1994-96, 1998-2000
Organizer, Session on Interpersonal Resource Exchange in Personal Relationships: Conceptual and Empirical Advances, August 1996 Conference, Banff, Canada
Organizer, Session on Race/Ethnicity and Personal Relationships, June 1998 Conference, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
International Network on Personal Relationships and International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships:
Organizer, Session on Personality as Reflected in Personal Relationship Processes, June 1999 Joint Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Chair, Session on Culture and Relationships, June 2000 Joint Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Colloquium Organizer:
Pomona College Colloquium on The Psychology of Empathic Accuracy,
(speaker: Dr. William Ickes), March 1994
Conference Co-Organizer (with Dr. Halford H. Fairchild):
Intercollegiate Dept. of Black Studies Conference on the Black Family, 1994-95
Chair and Respondent:
Session on Ethnicity: Family and Community, March 1995 Conference of
National Association for Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO
Institutional Service
University of Texas at Austin:
Psychology Department Affirmative Action Committee, 1986-88
Black Graduate Students Association, University of Texas at Austin, 1986-89
(President, 1987-88)
Council of Graduate Students, 1987-89 (President, 1988-89)
Heman Sweatt Civil Rights Symposium Steering Committee, 1987-89 (Chair of Program Subcommittee, 1987-89)
Cabinet of College Councils, 1988-89
Liberal Arts Dean Search Committee, 1988-89
Ombudsman Screening Committee, 1988-89
Academic Counselor, Fall 1990
Macalester College:
Women's Studies Faculty Affiliate, 1989-90
Pomona College:
Faculty Affiliate, Scholars of Color in the Sciences, 1993-94
Member, Affirmative Action Committee, 1994-1996
Member, IDBS Senior Thesis Awards Committee, 1994-96, 1997-98
Member, Internship Coordinator/Career Counselor Search Committee, 1995-96
Subject Pool Coordinator, Psychology Department, 1995-96
Member, Walker Wall Task Force, 1995-96
Member, Human Subjects Review Committee, 1997-98
Member, Traffic Appeals Committee, 1998-99
Advisor, Psi Chi, 1997-present
Advisor, Psychology Club, 1997-present
Claremont Colleges and Claremont Graduate School/University:
Member, Field Committee, Cultural Studies Program, 1993-94
Co-Facilitator (with Dr. Halford H. Fairchild), Black Men's Support Group,
Office of Black Student Affairs, 1993-96, 1997-98
Faculty Mentor, Pomona College/Office of Black Student Affairs Faculty Mentor Program, 1993-94
Member, Social Psychology Search Committee, 1995-96
Teaching Experience
Macalester College, 1989-90
PSY 50-05 (Personality and the Development of Close Relationships)
PSY 63 (Psychological Methods)
PSY 64 (Psychological Studies)
College of St. Catherine (St. Mary's Campus), Spring 1990
PSY 100 (General Psychology I)
PSY 101 (General Psychology II)
Macalester College, Spring 1991
PSY 39-01 (Social Psychology)
PSY 63 (Psychological Methods)
PSY 64 (Psychological Studies)
College of St. Catherine (St. Mary's Campus), Summer 1991
PSY 100 (General Psychology I)
PSY 101 (General Psychology II)
PSY 200 (Life-Span Developmental Psychology)
Franklin and Marshall College, 1991-92
PSY 210 (Interpersonal Psychology)
PSY 472 (Special Topics in Social Psychology)
PSY 277/WST 277 (Psychology of Women)
Pomona College and the Claremont Colleges, 1992-2000
ID 1 (Psychological Perspectives on African American Families)
PSYC 51 (Psychological Approaches to the Study of People)
PSYC 112/BK 112 (Interethnic Relations)
PSYC 127/BK 127 (Research in African American Psychology)
PSYC 155 (Personality and Individual Differences)
PSYC 180G/BK 180G (Seminar on African American Families)
PSYC 187 (Seminar on Close Relationships)
PSYC 191 (Senior Thesis)
Claremont Graduate University, 1993-2000
PSYC 227 (Research in African American Psychology)
PSYC 280G (Seminar on African American Families)
PSYC 287 (Seminar on Close Relationships)
PSYC 350I (Personality and Interpersonal Behavior)
PSYC 315L (Factor Analysis and Personality Scaling)
Primary Faculty Advisor
Franklin and Marshall College (Undergraduate Thesis Advisor):
Simsarian, S. (1992). Achievement motivation as a predictor of individual and group performance.
Harvey Mudd College (via Scripps College, Undergraduate Thesis Advisor):
Underhill, J. M. (1995). Family environment, childhood and adulthood attachment, and relationship processes as antecedents of relationship satisfaction.
Pomona College (Undergraduate Theses Advisor):
Amador, N. (1995). The effect of interethnic relationship on stress.
Antonuccio, J. (1996). Extracurricular activity as a means to enhance self-esteem.
Barajas, L. (1994). Familism and Latino adolescent friendship behaviors.
Brandon, P. (1995). The relationship between anxiety, parental influences on anxiety, and achievement.
Carlson, A. (1995). The effects of the gender and age of the defense attorney on juror bias.
Casillas, C. (1999). Effect of ethnic minority group status and alienation on
individuals' motivation.
Chan, P. (1998). Examining ethnic identity self-report measures and social
Damond, T. (1999). The socializing impact of television on African Americans' self-esteem.
Determan, A. (1998). Influence on gender-related personality characteristics on self-disclosure in same-gender and cross-gender friendships.
Gaskins, S. (1994). The relationship between adolescent pregnancy and parental relationships and its effect on pregnancy resolution.
Hayward, D. (1996). Fantasy, commitment, and investment as predictors of romantic jealousy.
Hernandez, T. (1996). Sibling rivalry and family size.
Hicks, D. (1994). Where do I fit in? The biracial individual.
Kim, R. E. (1999). Do impartial juries really exist? A study of racial bias in potential Asian American and European American jurors.
Lee, J. S. (1998). The influence of cultural values on the individual's first impressions of others.
Takahashi, Y. E. (1994). The effects of cultural values in interracial relationships.
Tsai, T. (1996). Ethnic and cultural perspectives on love, attachment, and relationship satisfaction.
Wilson, V. (1999). The effects of professional athletes on African American
adolescents' role model preference: Do unrealistic goals equal lower self
Yum, N. (1994). The effect of attachment style on response to dissatisfaction in relationships.
Claremont Graduate University (Masters Theses Advisor):
Chalfin, J. E. (1998). Impact of cultural value orientations on mediators' conflict resolution strategies.
Farris, K. R. (1996). The impact of individualism and collectivism on respectful behavior within interethnic romantic relationships.
Gilstrap, S. (1999). Conceptual and empirical links between gender-related traits and cultural values.
Henderson, M. C. (1996). Ethnicity and cultural value orientations as predictors of conflict with co-workers.
West, A. M. (1997). Effects of gender-related personality characteristics and self-esteem on displays of affection in male-female romantic relationships.
Wiegand, D. M. (2000). Attachment style differences in the impact of romantic jealousy on commitment.
Yi, J. (1999). Impact of cultural value orientations on responses to partners'
dissatisfaction among European Americans and Asian Americans.
Professional Associations
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1998-present
American Association of University Professors, 1989-present
American Psychological Association, 1993-present
American Psychological Society, 1990-present
Association of Black Psychologists, 1992-present
International Network on Personal Relationships, 1990-present
International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, 1989-present
National Association for Ethnic Studies, 1992-present
Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, 1994-present
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1993-present
Western States Communication Association, 1997-present